Lori Sender-O’Hara of O’Hara Chiropractic in Goleta, a Former Board Member of Governor’s Council

In her most consistent spirit of community involvement, Lori Sender O’Hara of O’Hara Chiropractic is a former board member the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. You may wonder where the team at O’Hara Chiropractic got their great love of physical fitness from. The athleticism of founder Lori Sender-O’Hara has rubbed off on the rest of the team at O’Hara Chiropractic. The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports is all about promoting health and wellness through activity. The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports mostly focuses on kids, Lori Sender-O’Hara of O’Hara Chiropractic would again exercise her passion to see young people active and health-conscious as a board member.

She would take the experiences she had as a board member and implement them at her practice, O’Hara Chiropractic in Goleta. O’Hara Chiropractic places a huge priority on community involvement, providing resources of health and wellness to adults as well as kids in the communities of Santa Barbara and Goleta. O’Hara Chiropractic believes that the obesity problem seen in the younger generations can be remedied through activity through athletics and eating healthy. Physical activity throughout childhood can have a lasting impact that can have a positive effect on your entire life. This is why O’Hara Chiropractic emphasizes childhood wellness so much.

O’Hara Chiropractic doesn’t just tell you what to do. They guide you through the process of living in wellness, offering public events and seminars in which they teach about how to get optimally healthy. The lessons afforded the community through these workshops are of upmost importance. O’Hara Chiropractic is a center for overall wellbeing for people of all ages. By inspiring those in their community to stay healthy through being physically active and eating a well-rounded diet, O’Hara Chiropractic is demonstrating that they see the bigger picture and truly care about the people in their area.

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